Chilean Patagonia’s Peaks, Up Close (NY Times)

AFTER four hours of strenuous hiking, we had only just reached the bottom of the Torres del Paine. You can…

Drawn to the Magnet of Chile’s Surf Coast (NY Times)

I FOUND Pichilemu through a local’s tip. In planning an itinerary that would start in Santiago and end a couple…

Drawn to the Magnet of Chile’s Surf Coast (NY Times)

I FOUND Pichilemu through a local’s tip. In planning an itinerary that would start in Santiago and end a couple…

A Long Weekend in Rio (Financial Times “How to Spend it”)

When all eyes look to Rio for the World Cup and Olympics, they will see a newly safe hub of…

Hotel Rooms With Charm, Off the Radar (New York Times)

Aix-en-Provence, France La Maison d’Aix This four-room hideaway is the kind you might wish for in every tourist-worthy town. Though…

36 Hours in Siena (New York Times)

In many ways Siena hasn’t changed much in 800 years. And that’s a good thing. The town’s gorgeous 13th-century main…

Drawn to the Magnet of Chile’s Surf Coast (The New York Times)

I FOUND Pichilemu through a local’s tip. In planning an itinerary that would start in Santiago and end a couple…